Personal and Corporate Healthcare Solutions
Healthcare solutions, at a personal and business level, are extremely complex and are subject to continual change from a scheme and legislative perspective. Benefit structures are subject to a myriad of requirements and are frequently misinterpreted, often with dire consequences.
Hewett Wealth is however able to offer access to a wide range of medical cover solutions, including comprehensive individual schemes, group schemes, gap cover and hospital plans through its association with a best-of-breed medical aid brokerage and through its established direct relationships with the largest and most prestigious medical schemes in South Africa.
We are able to provide access to a specialised medical aid comparison model and will facilitate a one on one interaction with our industry specialists at a personal and business level.
Our offering includes:
- A comprehensive comparative analysis
- Hospital Plan benefit comparisons
- Medical Aid benefit comparisons
- Gap Cover
- Individual and corporate administrative support
Hewett Wealth – Excellence Defined
What We Offer
- Extensive range of medical aid and gap cover product providers
- Ongoing claims and administrative support
- Comparative analysis and annual reviews
Do you have adequate cover in place for any medical emergency?