Fiduciary Services

Fiduciary Services incorporating Wills, Trust and Estate Services

Effective estate planning should always form an integral part of any financial planning process because the provisions of your will and, if applicable, your trust deed significantly impact the devolution of your assets, which has a longer-term impact on your beneficiaries.

Estate duty, Capital Gains Tax, the protection of assets against creditors and continuity are just some of the factors that should be adequately assessed when compiling a financial plan so that the anticipated impacts can be incorporated into your longer-term inter-generational financial plan.

The effective control and management of trust and company structures are also paramount to ensuring the legal integrity of such structures, failing which your estate could be subjected to extremely punitive tax treatment.

At Hewett Wealth, we ensure the incorporation of all of the above factors into the overall management of your affairs by providing a comprehensive estate plan supported by the provision of the following services:

  • Wills Consultation and Drafting
  • Trust Consultation, Drafting, Registration, Trustee and Secretarial Services
  • Deceased Estates Administration

Hewett Wealth – Excellence Defined

Fiduciary Sercices

Fiduciary Sercices

What We Offer
  • Comprehensive estate planning
  • Wills and Trust consultation, drafting and management
  • Deceased estate administration

Does your financial plan incorporate estate planning and optimise costs, taxes and administrative expenses?

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